Wednesday, 29 April 2015

National Sport And Its Love In USA

Like Every nation, America has a game that people love. If you look around the world, probably cricket is the game that is revered by most of the countries. However, Within the United States, it is the Baseball that rules the hearts of people. 

Right from kids to the elderly love this game, and you will see people planning holidays according to baseball games. This year again is a dawn of new game and people are getting ready for the big day. As the baseball season is just around the corner, it is time to take a look at teams that are playing from different zones. 

Baseball Games

There are a few legends of the game and they are worthy to be noted. Roberto Clemente (1934-1973) was one the legends of the game. During 1960’s he emerged as a star and was recognized as one of the best players of the game. The personality was known for his hitting from impossible positions and angles, and was also famous for his power and accuracy in throwing the ball. He was one of the players that won Gold Gloves almost every year during a span of 1961-72. 
TY Cobb was another legend and a top vote getter for the hall of fame in 1936. When he played the game, he was almost a name for good and many a times bad concerns. People did not like him the most, yet, when he retired, he held major records in almost all the major leagues. He had both batting and base-running records during his time.

Baseball Game
The names will go on, and the love for the game is ever growing.  People in the United States are all about working hard and partying harder. The love for baseball can be seen in the language that is used. A lot of terminologies are from the game and are used as a common references to make a point. The game is revered and cherished, just like another game in the world. The upcoming events will be a worthy time for all to watch, as the season of the game is again coming. The lovers of the game are getting ready for their teams and the event will be a memorable one again.

Watch Video!!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Are We Heading To A Natural Disaster ?

shervinhessamfar ,Deforest


Growth, development and technology are some positive words that are in the buzz today. However, have you thought about the underlying impact these words have on our environment. Channing environment (Global Warming) is a threat to human kind.   

Due to over expansion and cutting trees, the environment that was naturally conducive for human habitation is growing to be a threat for the human life. Can we call it as a catastrophe that man is calling on himself? May be yes, and the reason is for such a devastating situation is the greed of man in building more profits and ignoring natural warnings of the environment.

The implications of such actions are widely seen in the world today. We see that our solar system was so designed that it would have the necessary protection for human life on Earth. However, due to pollution and other factors, you will see a steady deterioration of natural resources. The environmental protection is a call that needs to be answered sooner or later. If we keep ignoring the warnings of the natural environment, a time might come where the system might lose balance, leading to a catastrophic end to human life. 

About Environment
Global Warming

The natural disasters and calamities are nothing but the imbalance in nature and that is also a leading cause for some new deceases and epidemics. We would witness more such incidents if we do not take care of our natural environment. It is the same natural life that gave us fresh air, water, wonderful life on earth and it is our duty to take care of our environment and protect the interest of our nature.
Growing tress can surely help in building a wonderful ecosystem. Forest has been an excellent source of natural resources from time immemorial and today we do not see forest land in many countries. In countries where forest land was spread wide, is gradually vanishing. This is a major concern and a pressing concern that needs immediate attention. 

We are responsible for our actions and we must protect our environment and eventually bring about a change in the changing environmental conditions, which can prove to be a bad choice eventually.

For More Check This Video!!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

E Commerce Website Development And Its Scope

Shervin hessamfar, shervin-hessamfar, shervinhessamfar, shervin,hessamfar

E-Commerce Website

Today’s world revolves around speed, accuracy and ease. Any technology that can help you in getting around easily and provides you speed and accuracy can be considered to be a technology that is a boon to human kind.

Computers first revolutionized the world with ease, speed and accuracy. However, there were limitation, and then came the internet, and the entire world changed for good. Businesses have changed for good and you will not find old school these days. The old school is slowly dying a natural death. Business is now about toughest competition and best of service offering. 

When you look at the advancements in technology, you cannot undermine the knowledge of E-commerce website scope and business growth. An ecommerce website can offer you one click solution for almost all your day to day activities. There were times where inventory management was a very difficult and a tedious task. Managing multiple channel partners was a bigger headache. Managing multiple businesses was almost a pressing task. However, times have changed and due to ecommerce sites, you can now manage multiple business sites, manage hundreds of channel partners, easily handle inventory and focus on business expansion. 

Benefits of an E-commerce website:

Shervin hessamfar,shervin-hessamfar,shervinhessamfar,shervin,hessamfar

Boost Your Business With An E commerce Website

 Add unlimited custom modules:

Every business is unique and every business has its own unique operational tendencies. With an ecommerce website, you can now manage your business effectively and also efficiently by adding custom modules to your websites backend operations and manage front end seamlessly.

     Inventory management:

No more worrying about managing inventory. With a click of a button, you can now get reports that are highly accurate and totally complete. You can now easily organize location names, labelling, adding item descriptions, measuring units, keep track of stocks, etc. All these activities can be done in a click or two.

     Manage shipping:

Worried about shipping and calculating charges? No more worry about such simple things. You can customize area specific taxes and calculate shipping and handling charges real-time.

There are many more benefits of an ecommerce website. With a right website, you can plan to expand your business like never before.