The many shades of racism in America
Racism has been a very important issue among the people of America for a very long time, it is often restricted to white against black discrimination. In past white colonists forcibly removed the Africans from their land and brought them to America as slaves for plantation purposes. The Civil War in America led to the end of slavery in America, but the whole country still struggled with racism. Hard work and dedication of Dr. Martin Luther and various movements related to civil rights bridged the between the two, but wasn’t able to wash it off completely.
Racial discrimination still exists in America and it was recently witnessed in the shooting of Tryon Martin and various other events happening over the shooting. In the past few decades a new type of racial discrimination has appeared known as Hispanic racism against the black, but still it is unreported by the mainstream media.
Racial Discrimination – A curse that is needed to be removed completely
The discrimination against the black Americans is also growing at a very fast rate because of the immigration of the Latin American immigrants to the United States in both legal and well as illegal ways. In the year 2011, a big Latino gang based in East Los Angeles was accused of involved in attempts to forcefully remove the neighborhood of black people living in San Gabriel Valley. As long as for 15 years, this gang as led attacks and bombing on the families living in this town. Unfortunately, such types of criminal activities are very common in Los Angeles and other major cities of the United States.
The Los Angeles Police Department recently expressed its concern over the number of attacks on the black families by the Latin Americans in the past decade. Many Latin Americans come from various countries where racism has evolved recently. Afro-Cuban activists in Cuba have restricted black faces to certain jobs which have poor access to health care and also poor housing facilities. 288,000 Afro-Columbians were forced to their communities by the activists in 2009 and even now it is a big issue in the country.
It is not possible to remove racism overnight from the heart and minds of the people, particularly from those who are living in America, it requires a generational transformation. The whole society has to be involved in it and spread awareness to stop racism, teach our kids that it doesn’t matter, we are white or black all that it matters is that we are equal.