Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Herbal Products And Its Health Benefits

Every culture practices herbal medicines as the herbs have therapeutic capacities. Tree leaves, roots and flowers are commonly used for medicinal fabrications. According to the experts, these herbs are capable enough to treat disorders like diabetes, cough, hypertension, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, blood pressure and many more. It acts as effectively as pharmaceutical medicine on the human body without any major side effects. It can be managed by herbalist or therapists.

History of Herbal medicine

Herbal medicines has been practiced from ancient age, it was popular in cultures like Greeks, Celts, Romans, Arabs, Chinese and Indians. Some herbal medicine practice has been originated from ancient Egypt, around 1700 B.C. A widespread philosophy of herbal medicine was originated in Greek, they had discovered the behavior of herbs i.e. which herbs works in which season and their nature according to the four elements likes air, water, earth and fire. The Romans duplicated the Greek philosophy of herbal medicine and modified them with few of other herb ingredients, some of those medicine are still been used by the herbal medical practitioners. 

Health Benefits of herbal medicine

There are number of health benefits of herbal medicine over pharmaceutical medicines, few benefits are listed below.

Herbal medicines are safer

Herbal medicines reduce the chance of side effects. Most of the time people don’t get any side effects of herbal medicines and some time there is minor side effects. It is always safe and don’t cause any harsh reaction on your body. These medicine are safe, therefore it can be given to children without any worries.

Cure long-lasting diseases

Herbal medicines are proven to cure chronic diseases better than the pharmaceutical medicines. Disease like arthritis can be very well cured by the herbal medicines; there are alternative remedies for arthritis treatment in herbal medicine which includes few alterations in diets.

Easy availability

One of the major benefits of the herbal medicine is that they are easily available. There are few herbs which you can grow at your home without any prescriptions, these herbs includes peppermint, basil and many more. Few remote areas in the world use herbs majorly for all types of treatments.

Low cost

It cost significantly less than the traditional medicines. It can grow anywhere and there is very less use of chemical therefore it cost less and has more effect on the body.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Food Pollution And Its Bad Effects On Health

Food pollution, commonly known as food contamination and adulteration, happens when harmful chemicals or toxin gets mixed in the food. Food contamination is caused by multiple reasons such as contaminated ground water, industrial waste, air pollution, genetically modified food and many more. Food ‘adulteration’ is one of the most popular parts of the food pollution. Earlier, people used to cook food at home with healthy ingredient and nutritional vegetables. But in modern era, people are more attracted towards outside food. Processed or restaurant food may satisfy your taste bud but it contain zero nutritional value.

Ready to eat and restaurant food are mostly adulterated; the food is prepared with poor quality ingredient which causes multiple health problems. 20 to 30% of the processed foods are intentionally adulterated. Food adulteration cause serious health hazard, it acts like a slow poison and slowly damage your internal organs. It causes heart problem, loss of vision, respiratory problem, appendix problem, small intestine problem, Anemia, epilepsy and many more. When you eat out, the food is exposed to harmful gases released through automobiles, various insects, garbage, sewage, etc. these pollution gets mixed in the food and makes you sick once you consume it. 

The health problem caused by food poisoning includes nausea, stomach pains, fever, chills, sweating, weakness, vomiting, headache and diarrhea.  In some cases food poisoning causes death as well. The only way to get rid of these health issues is prevention, to avoid adulteration you need to do background check on the retail shops your buy groceries from. Shopkeepers often mix harmful chemicals in food in order to cheat the customers, avoid buying food ingredients from such places. 

To avoid food poisoning ensure that your eat food at good and hygienic place; avoid eating on the street, especially in the rainy season. Food contamination is hard to detect as it often spread through wastewater and industrial waste, contaminated vegetable looks fresh and fine from outside because the toxins are mixed inside. It is even more harmful and causes dangerous health problem, to avoid contaminated food, don’t make purchases from suspicious areas or price. Always purchase your food from trusted shop and always make sure you do you research on the shop or store you go to.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Air Pollution And Increasing Earth Temperature

Air pollution is the term given to contamination of air; a chemical and biological alteration to the air is known as the pollution. Air pollution happens when smoke, dust or harmful gases enters in the atmosphere of the air and makes it unbeatable for living species. This contamination of air making survival plants, animals and humans on earth difficult. The ozone layer is very important for the survival of planet earth as it filters the harmful rays and doesn’t let pass in earth’s atmosphere. But the ozone layer is depleting due increased amount of pollution in the air. Pollution causes imbalance in the atmosphere, this imbalance of the harmful gases in the atmosphere causes ‘Global warming’.

Global warming has become the biggest threat to the ecosystem. It causes the rise in temperature due to which ice cap of south pole and north pole have started melting, rivers are drying and earth have started experiencing less rain every year. Due to rise in heat, the summer season has become even hotter and causing drought in many areas. Many species are on the verge of extinction due the hot climate. Air pollution also causes respiratory, heart problems and cancers. Millions of people have died to respiratory infection and children often suffer asthma and pneumonia due to the high contamination of the air.

Acid rain is also the result of air pollution, there are billions of automobiles in the world which releases harmful gases like sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. These harmful gases combines with the water droplets (contaminate it and makes it acidic) and fall on the earth in the form of acid rain. Acid rain is very harmful to humans as well as animals, it also destroy massive amount of crops and makes it inedible. Air pollution is harmful for the animals as well, toxin spread in the atmosphere makes animal change their habitat and migrate to other place. The change in habitat causes inconvenience in wildlife and eventually they die due to lack of resources and fresh air to breath. If we won’t act now, the increasing pollution and heat will destroy the planet sooner than scientist have predicted.