Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Herbal Products And Its Health Benefits

Every culture practices herbal medicines as the herbs have therapeutic capacities. Tree leaves, roots and flowers are commonly used for medicinal fabrications. According to the experts, these herbs are capable enough to treat disorders like diabetes, cough, hypertension, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, blood pressure and many more. It acts as effectively as pharmaceutical medicine on the human body without any major side effects. It can be managed by herbalist or therapists.

History of Herbal medicine

Herbal medicines has been practiced from ancient age, it was popular in cultures like Greeks, Celts, Romans, Arabs, Chinese and Indians. Some herbal medicine practice has been originated from ancient Egypt, around 1700 B.C. A widespread philosophy of herbal medicine was originated in Greek, they had discovered the behavior of herbs i.e. which herbs works in which season and their nature according to the four elements likes air, water, earth and fire. The Romans duplicated the Greek philosophy of herbal medicine and modified them with few of other herb ingredients, some of those medicine are still been used by the herbal medical practitioners. 

Health Benefits of herbal medicine

There are number of health benefits of herbal medicine over pharmaceutical medicines, few benefits are listed below.

Herbal medicines are safer

Herbal medicines reduce the chance of side effects. Most of the time people don’t get any side effects of herbal medicines and some time there is minor side effects. It is always safe and don’t cause any harsh reaction on your body. These medicine are safe, therefore it can be given to children without any worries.

Cure long-lasting diseases

Herbal medicines are proven to cure chronic diseases better than the pharmaceutical medicines. Disease like arthritis can be very well cured by the herbal medicines; there are alternative remedies for arthritis treatment in herbal medicine which includes few alterations in diets.

Easy availability

One of the major benefits of the herbal medicine is that they are easily available. There are few herbs which you can grow at your home without any prescriptions, these herbs includes peppermint, basil and many more. Few remote areas in the world use herbs majorly for all types of treatments.

Low cost

It cost significantly less than the traditional medicines. It can grow anywhere and there is very less use of chemical therefore it cost less and has more effect on the body.

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